Women in ICC Brazil: determination and drive for results


Today, women are the majority in management positions in the company

It is nothing new for women to be increasingly more present in the business market. However, a study conducted by Robert Half Brasil in 2016 shows that there is still a long way to go when it comes to gender equality in the corporate world. It is not just a question of equal pay but, above all, of growth opportunities, development, and respect shown to women. According to a report by Corporate Women Directors International (CWDI), about 50% of the 100 biggest Latin American companies do not possess a single woman in their board of directors.

ICC Brazil, a Brazilian model company in animal nutrition solutions that are 100% natural, is an example of companies that employ more women than men in management positions. The presence of women in ICC, according to Isabela Barros, Manager of Sales for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, is highly positive. “The performance of women in the corporate environment has important characteristics such as greater empathy and greater vision, which makes more assertive decision-making possible and leads to more profitable businesses as a main result,” states the employee who entered the company in 2006 as a commercial assistant, helping in the processes of export, attending to active clients and looking for new partners.

Isabela’s view is confirmed by the MSCI index report. This piece of research states that companies with a strong rate of women leadership provide a 36% greater return on equity. According to Márcia Villaça, Technical Manager of Pet & Aqua Sales, “we are, without a doubt, the cornerstone of the company and many results, therefore, depend on us. A determination is perhaps our greatest asset. Overcoming the difficulties and pressures of daily life is only possible if we have focus, self-confidence, and a lot of drive,” highlights Márcia, who has worked in ICC Brazil for 22 years. “ICC Brazil is a company with many women. In the course of its 26 years of existence, we have always enjoyed the presence of strong and determined women in command,” she recalls.

The Supply-chain Director, Ilma Andrade, closely witnessed the growth of the company as well as her personal development in her 23 years here. “I began as an assistant of overseas sales, then I became the manager of overseas sales, and now I have been the director for four years. It has not been an easy journey, but ICC Brazil is a company that allows growth. We realize that the capabilities of leaders are what makes the
development of areas possible,” she affirms. Additionally, Ilma emphasizes that women, independently of their position, need to adopt a firm stance and not victimize themselves. “The agricultural market is very tough. For a woman to enter, a good educational background is not enough. You must have something else, show you are self-confident and speak as an equal,” she says.

About ICC Brazil
For 25 years, the Brazilian company has combined research and biotechnology, conducting studies that prove the benefits of yeast-based additives in several animal species. With rigorous quality control and monitoring in all stages of production, it provides innovative solutions striving for health and animal performance as well as food safety. ICC is present in approximately 50 countries. https://www.iccbrazil.com/.


Posted in 23 April of 2019