Simpósio Brasil Sul de Suinocultura 2016

Blog, Pig

ICC marked its presence in one more edition of the “Simpósio Brasil Sul de Suinocultura”, which was held from August 09 to 11 in the city of Chapecó, Santa Catarina. ICC participates and supports this major event since its first editions and, this time delivered a technical presentation on Immunonutrition. Delivered by Dr. Gustavo Gattás, a well-known consultant in the pig breeding field, the presentation topic was: “Immunonutrition: Challenges and Opportunities in Pig Production,” and was attended by several technicians and nutritionists from companies of the sector. In addition, ICC also presented in the event the most recent study on Hilyses® , focusing on the diet of sows and piglets.


Posted in 12 August of 2016