ICC Brazil makes a positive assessment of its participation in the 20th South Brazil Poultry Symposium

Poultry, Releases

The Company took part in the event for the 17th time to promote its main products

ICC Brazil, a company which presents innovative solutions striving for animal health and performance, as well as food safety, was one of the exhibitors at the 20th South Brazil Poultry Symposium (SBSA), one of the biggest technical symposiums on poultry farming in Latin America. The event, which took place at Chapecó (State of Santa Catarina), at the beginning of April, brought together professionals from Brazil, Uraguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico and Bolivia.

According to the Southern Region Commercial Manager, Alexandre Silva, the event was an opportunity to strengthen the brand and to discuss its products. “The event gets bigger every year and is becoming a benchmark in the poultry segment. ICC’s growth is evident by the quantity of products it presents year after year,” Silva explains, pointing out that the exhibition is a way of testing the market, since companies seek to publicize solutions which they view as representing the current concerns of the production sector.

Over the three days of the event, ICC Brazil presented ImmunoWall® and Liposorb® at its booth. The first product is composed of a high quantity of ß-glucans and MOS genes, ensuring that animals maintain a balanced level of intestinal microbiota and improving their immune system responses, resulting in the reduction of contamination by pathogens.

The second is an emulsifier which helps animals digest lipids (fats) in their feed; it also helps the machinery in producing said feed, optimizing factory efficiency and producing pellets which are more uniform in size, as well as improving their quality. Around 1000 people visited ICC Brazil’s booth.

Besides Silva, the National Sales Manager Ricardo Barbalho and the R&D Researcher and Analyst Liliana Borges also attended the symposium.

About ICC Brazil

For 25 years, ICC Brazil has combined research and biotechnology, conducting studies that prove the benefits of yeast-based additives in several animal species. With rigorous quality control and monitoring in all stages of production, it provides innovative solutions striving for animal health and performance as well as food safety. ICC is present in approximately 50 countries.


Posted in 20 May of 2019

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