ICC Brazil to take part in the largest animal nutrition event in the world

Aquaculture, Poultry, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cows, Pig

Eurotier will take place on November 13 to 16, in Hannover, Germany

ICC Brazil, a company, specialized in yeast-based additives, will introduce a scientifically proven solution for improving the intestinal integrity of ruminants at Eurotier, the largest animal nutrition event in the world, which will take place on November 13 to 16 in Hannover, Germany. Exhibitors from all over the world introduce their new nutrition products for ruminants, swine, and broilers, aquaculture, sheep and goat raising. The event had 162,729 visitors and 2.638 exhibitors in its last edition, in 2016.

ICC Brazil’s booth will introduce RumenYeast®, composed of yeast and high concentrations of metabolites that stimulate the development of microorganisms responsible for fermenting and maintaining ruminal pH. It also has yeast cell wall, which is rich in β-glucans and MOS, responsible for improving the immune system and intestinal integrity and for enhancing animal weight and milk production.

Dra. Melina Bonato, the R&D Coordinator, says yeast has been used in ruminant nutrition as a functional additive to diets. “RumenYeast® is composed of 100% of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, which is originated from the sugarcane fermentation process to produce ethanol. Then, the yeast is submitted to autolysis (rupture of the cell membrane), which releases the intracellular content. The final product is highly digestible, as it contains amino acids, peptides, short-chain polypeptides, glutamic acid and a yeast cell wall, composed mainly of MOS and high levels of β-glucans,”, said Bonato.

Research and field studies have been showing that RumenYeast® can increase milk production by +2kg/cow/day and milk quality (fat and proteins). “Combining adequate ruminal nutrition with the strengthening of animals immune system enhances daily milk production and eliminates concerns with potential residues in milk, which is a key factor to reach an increasingly demanding consumer market,” she explains.

In addition to Melina, ICC Brazil will be represented by Glycon Santos (CEO), Felipe Sant’Anna (Europe and Middle East Sales Manager), Isabela Barros (Southern Asia Sales Manager), Kuo Wei Ssu (Northeast Asia Sales Manager), Agathe Chaine (Europe Technical Supervisor), Philippe Demarest (Europe Sales Manager), and Aline Almeida (Marketing Coordinator).


About ICC Brazil

For 25 years, ICC Brazil combines research and biotechnology, carrying out studies that prove the benefits of yeast-based additives for several animal species. The company follows strict quality control in all production stages. The company also provides innovative solutions, seeking animal health and development, as well as food safety. ICC is present in approximately 50 countries. https://www.iccbrazil.com


Posted in 24 October of 2018

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