ICC Brazil to take part in the IPPE 2019

Poultry, Releases

The event takes place in Atlanta, USA, and gathers world references in the poultry farming segment

ICC Brazil, a company specialized in yeast-based additives, will participate in the IPPE (International Production & Processing Expo), which takes place on February 12-14, in Atlanta, USA. IPPE is the largest annual event in the world for poultry, meat production, and animal feeding.

ICC Brazil’s R&D Coordinator, Melina Bonato, will present the results of the “Yeast cell wall immunomodulatory and intestinal integrity effects on broilers challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis” study. This study was conducted in 2016, along with the Southern Poultry Research Group, in the United States. The research was carried out by Prof. Dr. Charles Hofacre, who analyzed 192 laying hens contaminated with Salmonella enteritidis and the efficiency of ImmunoWall® in reducing the issue on poultry.

“In this study, the Laying hens that were fed with a diet supplemented with ImmunoWall® showed a statistical reduction in the cecum contamination by Salmonella enteritidis compared to the untreated control group. The result was obtained following the recommended standard dosage of the product. This decrease in the cecum infection is a determinant factor regarding food safety since it consequently reduces the contamination on the egg’s surface. After the laying, the cooling begins; this is when the bacteria on the surface migrate towards the interior through the pores of the shell. Thus, the less contamination on the surface with Salmonella enteritidis, the less the infection inside the egg”, says Bonato.

In addition to Melina, ICC Brazil will also be represented at the event by their CEO, Glycon Santos, by their Brazil Sales Manager, Ricardo Barbalho and by their LATAM Sales Manager, Ricardo Toledo.

About ICC Brazil

For 25 years, ICC Brazil combines research and biotechnology, carrying out studies that prove the benefits of yeast-based additives for several animal species. The company follows a strict quality control in all production stages. The company also provides innovative solutions, seeking animal health and performance, as well as food safety. ICC is present in approximately 50 countries. https://www.iccbrazil.com/.


Posted in 11 April of 2019

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