ICC is once again among the top agribusiness companies in Brazil
In the 17thedition of the traditional award granted by Globo Rural magazine in partnership with Serasa Experian, the company present in more than 65 countries was ranked third and is the only company specialized in yeast-based nutritional solutions.
For ICC, a company specialized in natural additives for animal nutrition, this award materializes the continuous search for excellence in their processes, products, and people, supported by the innovation and sustainability of their operations, with the mission to meet current and future demands for the production of healthy, affordable and available food, in a scientific and disruptive way, for a growing world population constantly fighting hunger.
“Our team is happy for this recognition in the midst of a challenging period in terms of health, economy, operations, and climate,” highlights the CEO of ICC Glycon Santos, referring to COVID-19, drought, market, logistics, crop losses, among others. “Even with all these factors, we were able to maintain our growth and productivity performance. The credit goes to our team who has delivered positive results in a completely adverse environment. This makes me very proud”, adds the executive, who gives collaborators autonomy to act on all fronts, always maintaining an ownership mentality.
The third position on this ranking has a special meaning for our team because, among the ranked companies, ICC is the only specialized in yeast-based nutritional solutions, which makes it the best company in Brazil. This fact sustains our commitment to the sustainability tripod – social, environmental, and economic dimensions – by transforming an ethanol industry coproduct into a high added value additive used in Brazil and over 65 more countries for animal protein production and the pet food industry.
“We have a sustainable business with raw materials originating from the biofuel industry, using a 100% renewable energy supply, with a minimum carbon footprint. We transform these raw materials in nutritional additives that improve animal performance, health, and well-being, besides being in line with antibiotic replacement in animal production”, says the CEO of ICC.
Corroborating his comments, Ilma Andrade, Supply Chain Director at ICC, adds that the award reflects the company’s best corporate governance standards. “We are part of a whole that includes good practices, ethics, and innovation in business management,” says the employee who has been in the company for 27 years, performing her tasks with the pride of belonging to the team and contributing to this trajectory.
For Otavio Fregonesi, Global Marketing and Sales Director at ICC, another achievement like this – in October this year, the company received another award in the same category – indeed focuses on the foundations of ICC’s mission and goals. “Our mission is to support the production of healthy (safe and free of chemical and microbiological residues), affordable (in terms of costs), and available (in sufficient quantities) food for a growing world population constantly fighting hunger. And our goal is to become one of the world’s leading producers of natural additives for animal nutrition. To be among the top three agribusiness companies being the only specialized in yeast-based nutritional solutions shows that we are on the right track”, adds the director.
Jean Carlo Sobral, CFO of ICC, is also very proud of the announcement: “This result solidifies our culture of continuous improvement and ownership mentality,” highlights the CFO. “Thus, awards like this are consequences of our corporate culture, and I could summarize them by using one of the mantras from our CEO: we are all salespeople,” he adds.
For Pedro Paludetto, Industrial Director at ICC, this is only the beginning. “This accomplishment is only one of many others that we will certainly achieve in the future! ICC translates theory to practice by expressing its mission-based values and aiming to become one of the world’s leading producers of yeast-based natural additives for animal nutrition”. Glycon Santos reinforces: “We want much more. Since we have much knowledge in this business segment, we believe it is our responsibility to develop the full potential. We provide innovative solutions to our customers, which will allow an even more aggressive growth in the coming years”, concludes the CEO.
The selection process was free of charge and consisted of the enrollment and information delivery and the filling up a questionnaire with financial statements for processing and analysis by Serasa Experian. Net income, debt, liquidity, margin (which accounted for 70% of the final grade), and socio-environmental responsibility (which accounted for 30%) were all taken into account. Globo Rural digital channels made the official announcement on Nov 30, 2021, at 7:00 pm. In the previous edition held in 2020, more than 600 companies enrolled for the award.
About ICC – Founded in 1992, ICC is a company specialized in natural additives for multispecies animal nutrition with administrative headquarters in São Paulo, Brazil. Innovation and continuous investments in research and development have always been part of its DNA. Currently, ICC provides technological solutions to more than 65 countries and has two industrial units – Macatuba and Jundiaí (both in São Paulo, Brazil) –, distribution sites located in the states of São Paulo, Goiás, and Pernambuco, as well as its own analytical laboratory to ensure the quality of raw materials, processes and portfolio products. Also, throughout its history in the animal nutrition industry, ICC has established partnerships with universities and research centers in Brazil and abroad. Learn all about it at www.iccbrazil.com
Posted in 03 December of 2021