ICC Brazil to participate in the International Poultry Congress

Poultry, Blog

Health solutions and disease control of broilers will be the main topics of the event, which will take place in Honduras


Scientifically tested solutions that benefit broiler’s health will be presented by ICC Brazil, a specialized company in yeast-based additives, at the Central American and Caribbean Poultry Congress. The event will take place from August 21 to 23 in Honduras, Central America and will gather professionals of the area to discuss sanitary issues and broiler’s diseases. “This is the third edition in which we take part, and it will be a great opportunity to meet customers and suppliers. We will also be sharing news and results of our latest research and ICC products to the poultry sector”, says the Business Manager, Ricardo Toledo. He will introduce the company, along with the R&D Coordinator, Melina Bonato. “ICC Brazil will deliver two lectures in a dinner with our supplier, DISAGRO, on August 21”, Ricardo adds.

Three ICC products will be highlighted: Hilyses®, ImmunoWall® and StarFix®. “Hilyses® assists broiler’s performance. ImmunoWall® is focused on the intestinal integrity and animal welfare, and it is composed of β-glucans that help to strengthen the immune system and may control several diseases, such as Necrotic Enteritis, for example. StarFix® is a great solution against several mycotoxins that affect poultry productivity”, he explains.

Hilyses® is a nucleotides source for the broiler’s diet. “The first few days after incubation are crucial because it is when the immune system, intestine, and organ cells mature, also, it is the stage in which broiler growth is faster. Therefore, the demand for nutrients in this period is extremely high”, Melina Bonato emphasizes. “Thus, nucleotides play an important role in several metabolic processes of broilers, especially at this stage,” Melina says.

Intestinal microbiota balance and better immune system responses may also be improved with yeast cell wall supplementation. Composed of β-glucans and MOS, ImmunoWall® strengthens the immune system and helps to fight against Necrotic Enteritis, a disease caused by toxins that attack the broiler’s intestine. As a result, contamination and transmission of pathogenic bacteria to other organs of the body decreases. “In addition to being a natural additive, the product is a viable solution to improve intestine health and food safety at low dosages, resulting in an excellent cost-benefit,” Melina says.

StarFix® is a broad-spectrum adsorbent. It acts on the intestine, recovering liver functions of broiler affected by mycotoxins (high-resistance fungi). “The solution proposed by ICC protects animals from mycotoxins threats, improving productivity and adding value to the producer,” Ricardo says.

About ICC Brazil

For 25 years, ICC Brazil combines research and biotechnology, carrying out studies that prove the benefits of yeast-based additives for several animal species. The company follows a strict quality control in all production stages. The company also provides innovative solutions, seeking animal health and development, as well as food safety. ICC is present in approximately 50 countries. https://www.iccbrazil.com.


Posted in 10 August of 2018

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