Studies carried out with an ICC Brazil product was presented at the Poultry Science Annual Meeting (PSA), held in Texas
ICC Brazil, a company, specialized in yeast-based additives, presented the results of an experiment on the immunity of broilers at the Poultry Science Annual Meeting (PSA), which was held in late July, in San Antonio, Texas, USA. This is one of the main events for poultry farming.
The R&D Coordinator, Melina Bonato, was responsible for presenting the results of the study, named: “Yeast cell wall immunomodulatory and intestinal integrity effects on broilers challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis”. The study was conducted by Imunova Biological Analyzes team, in Curitiba, Paraná (Brazil), where broilers were challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis (SE)and fed with diets supplemented or not with ImmunoWall®, a yeast cell wall that improves intestinal integrity and the animal welfare; it is composed of β-glucans, which modulate the immune system and strengthen it to fight against several diseases.
“The results showed how the early supply of β-glucans in the diet could help animals to have a faster immune response since the immune system of the younger broiler is not fully matured. Thus, it improved intestinal health and performance”, says Melina. She also points out that intestinal permeability, (damage caused by SE), the immune status (circulating leukocytes) and the production of specific antibodies against SE also improved.
The results awakened the audience’s interest. People asked about the methodology and application of ImmunoWall®.“Participating in events to present results of scientific works is important to disseminate the quality and transparency of research conducted by ICC Brazil, enhancing the credibility of findings,” says Melina.
About ICC Brazil
For 25 years, ICC Brazil combines research and biotechnology, carrying out studies that prove the benefits of yeast-based additives for several animal species. The company follows a strict quality control in all production stages. The company also provides innovative solutions, seeking animal health and development, as well as food safety. ICC is present in approximately 50 countries.
Posted in 21 August of 2018