Learn how to enhance the manufacture of pelleted feed for broilers

Poultry, Blog

ICC Brazil Consulting shares information that drives the pellet’s benefits to the animal’s technical performance. Check it out!

Did you know that the benefits of the pellet for the technical performance of broiler chicken are proven worldwide by numerous studies? This is because pelletization contributes to greater FC (Food Conversion), better digestibility of nutrients, better health and energy savings for the animal by reducing the number of times it needs to move to consume the food.

This is one of the several pieces of information that ICC Brazil’s Consulting for Feed Mills has shared with the poultry businesses that come from the team’s experience. And today we bring some of the solutions from ICC Brazil to enhance the manufacture of pelleted feed with a focus on the broiler diet.

First, it is important to define what is the process of transforming crumbed ingredients into pellets. According to the Feed Mills Consultant at ICC Brazil, Françuele Alexandre de Medeiros, the pelletizing process occurs from physical-chemical changes, which involve heat treatment, generated by the addition of saturated steam, under constant working pressure with exposure to temperature and humidity for a specified conditioning, pressing and cooling time.

Then, it is important to consider that the variety of raw materials and their different nutritional and physical characteristics become a challenge in the composition of the feed formulation for broilers. Therefore, the factor with the greatest impact on the pelletizing process for the formation of good pellets is the formulation and its composition needed to meet the nutritional levels of each species.

Thus, in order to achieve high benefits to the technical performance of broilers with pelleted feed, businesses need to study further the characteristics of the formulation and, consequently, be able to operationalize the process.

It is worth remembering that diets for broilers have high levels of cereals (>60%), combined with high levels of total ether extract (>6%) and low fiber content (<2%). Such an association will result, as a rule, in low quality of pellet (60 to 70%), however, high efficiency in pressing. Nevertheless, studies also show that different factors and variables have a significant impact on the process and quality of the pellet. Therefore, it is necessary to complement the available information and understand the intensity of this interference.

If you want to know more about the pelletizing process and the impacts of different factors on the quality of the pellet in broiler diets, click here and download the content developed by the specialist Françuele Alexandre de Medeiros.

Learn from the experts: get to know ICC Brazil’s Consulting

ICC Brazil’s Consulting for Feed Mills is at your disposal to help you increase the productivity of the mill and improve the animal’s technical performance. We have professionals ready to guide businesses that seek advice in all stages, from the receipt of raw materials to the dispatch of the feed, to achieve more efficiency in production, better use of the ingredient, optimization for cost reduction and operational and management training for the mill.

In addition, ICC Brazil offers technological additives, which have helped the pelletizing process and contributed to the productivity of several businesses. LIPOSORB®, for example, is the only complete emulsifier that has a wide range of LHB (Lipophilic-Hydrophilic Balance) values. And BG BINDER that reduces the amount of fines and increases the PDI of the pellets, ensuring greater feed efficiency in animal farming.

Do you want to know more about these exclusive technologies from the experience of our professionals? Visit: https://www.iccbrazil.com/category/gestao-de-fabrica/.





Posted in 26 November of 2020

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