Safe Management Series: Nutritional and Preventive Care avoid poultry industry diseases

Poultry, Blog

Melina Bonato, member of the Research and Development department of ICC Brazil, explain care that prepares animals for challenges on the farm.

In order to take full advantage of the potential of poultry, it is essential to follow biosafety rules on farms. This will result not only in better production performance but also in preventing ongoing challenges. In addition to health care, implementing correct management systems and meeting the nutritional needs of the animals, make it possible to prevent the most common poultry diseases, as explained by ICC Brazil specialist, Dr. Melina Bonato, R&D Manager. Check this out

Nutrition is naturally a determining factor in animal production and is directly related to animal performance and the cost of production. In addition to the use of quality ingredients that meet the nutritional requirements at each stage of the animal’s life, feed additives are another possibility that may have an impact on the efficiency of the use of nutrients and animal health, contributing to the safety of the end product.

Preventing disease and contamination is a significant challenge facing poultry farming today, especially considering the scenario where the use of antibiotics as growth promoters is banned or restricted. Thus, following the vaccination program, managing the entry and exit of vehicles and people, respecting sanitary standards by cleaning and disinfecting equipment and installations for each batch, are an essential step towards preventing contamination. The use of additives is another tool that can help maintain the gut health and integrity of animals, corroborating the avoidance and control of disease and food safety.

Poultry Waste Treatment

With the purpose of avoiding illnesses, it is also necessary to pay attention to the residues produced by poultry in farms, which can be poultry litter, excretions from laying hens, or the carcasses of dead animals. All of these are factors that cause not only an impact on animal health and welfare but also on the environment when not handled correctly and may additionally attract flies, rodents, darkling beetles and generate diseases through the spread of pathogens.

Waste treatment can be carried out in two ways: composting and bio digestion. In the case of carcasses, incineration can also be used. However, in this case, final waste will have no use. It is important to emphasize that the producer needs to seek information on Good Production Practices, respecting the primary conditions to avoid incorrect application or soil contamination, putting the health of humans and animals at risk.

When performing waste treatment correctly, the final compost or biofertilizer from the beds and excretions can be used in plant cultures, which in turn can become quality ingredients for animal nutrition. The final product of carcass composting should only be used for fertilizing forest crops and gardening, due to sanitary issues. It is worth noting that for cases of severe contamination and/or those which could be a risk to human health, incineration is indicated.

ImmunoWall®: ICC Brazil’s Additive that Assists with Disease Prevention in Poultry

One of the tools that can be used in this program is ImmunoWall®, developed by ICC Brazil. This solution is based on the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell wall, with 35% β-glucans (1.3 and 1.6) and 20% mannan oligosaccharides (MOS). ImmunoWall® acts on the response of the innate immune system, favoring a faster response in the presence of a pathogen or antigen in addition to having a high agglutination capacity of pathogenic bacteria that contain fimbriae, such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli, and adsorbing a wide range of mycotoxins. These actions contribute to disease prevention and have positive results in performance by improving responses to infections, reducing the use of medications, and ultimately impacting the cost of production.

Do you want to know more about ICC Brazil products that assist in the prevention of diseases in poultry? Access the complete poultry portfolio now:






Posted in 19 May of 2020

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